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Winnovart Explainer. EEA&Norway grants Business Development and Innovation Croatia.
Series 4 - Funding Condition.
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Funding is available for Croatian companies to finance innovation projects under the "Business Development and Innovation Croatia" programme financed by the EEA&Norway grants and managed by Innovation Norway.


Our programme explainer – newsletters to make this funding scheme easier for you to digest.
This is series 4 on funding condition.


The funding intensity (grant rate) can go up to 70% with the rate awarded normally varying between 25% and 70%.

The programme does not have a fixed grant rate. The financial contribution will be determined on a case-by-case basis, taking all relevant factors into account.

Relevant factors comprise the company profile, project type and location, as well as the applicable aid category: 

  • Regional aid (typically up to 55%);  
  • Aid to SMEs (typically up to 70%); 
  • Research & Development and Innovation – experimental development (typically up to 60%); 
  • Innovation aid for SMEs (typically up to 70%);
  • Aid for environmental protection (typically up to 65%). Included here:
    • Energy efficiency measures;
    • Early adaptation to future Union standards;
    • Going beyond Union standards for environmental protection or increasing the level of environmental protection in the absence of Union standards.


Funding streams available:

The same conditions apply for both focus areas: Green Industry Innovation and Blue Growth.
  • Individual Project Scheme:
    • minimum amount of grant assistance EUR 200k;
    • maximum amount of grant assistance EUR 1.5m.
  • Small Grant Scheme for SMEs (SGS 1):
    • minimum amount of grant assistance EUR 50k;
    • maximum amount of grant assistance EUR 200k.

Applicants should also consider the specific budget breakdown of the programme: 

  • Individual Project Scheme - EUR 10.9m
    • of which circa EUR 5.6m for Green Industry Innovation and EUR  5.3m for Blue Growth
  • Small Grant Scheme for SMEs (SGS 1) - EUR 2.0m
    • of which circa EUR 1.0m for Green Industry Innovation and EUR  1.0m for Blue Growth


Deadline for applications: 27 January 2022.

Get in touch with us if you need support with this.  


Find here the full information about this call.

Reach out to fund operator.

Reach out to us for an independent review of your funding readiness and eligibility for this funding programme: 


Source: the information above is based on the official guidelines published by the Fund Operator.

How can Winnovart help you

– if you would like to discuss a new project idea with us, don’t hesitate to fill in our funding readiness questionnaire and we will come back with our independent feedback.  

– Winnovart’s independent service options are designed to help you accelerate your access to this funding and navigate with confidence through the entire process of applying for, obtaining the grant and implementing your project successfully.

For more information on the Business Development and Innovation Croatia programme, please read hereAdditionally, for ongoing updates about the EEA & Norway grants, please get in touch with us.


At Winnovart, it is part of our mission to bridge the gap between stakeholders of the grants-based funding market-space in Europe. We are a leading independent consultancy specialised in EEA & Norway grants for private sector companies. In the past years we have raised over EUR 40 million in funding under this mechanism for clients from various industries across the CEE space. Many projects have involved bilateral partners from the Donor States (Norway and Iceland). We have a very good presence in the Donor States, with the capacity to support in the development of bilateral partnerships, one of the key ambitions of the EEA & Norway grants.

For more updates on funding opportunities, please follow us on social media: FacebookLinkedin or Twitter.

For more details about Winnovart please check our website. If you would like to be contacted by our experts please reply to or contact us here and we will get in touch very soon.