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EIC Board Announcement: Suggestions to Boost Engagement of Promising Innovators from Expanding Regions in EIC Initiatives.

The EIC Board released a statement, aiming to double the participation of widening countries in EIC programmes from below 8% to at least 15%.

Statement Summary: 

EIC's New Participation Targets for Widening Countries. The EIC Board has set an ambitious target: to bolster the participation of widening countries in EIC instruments to a commendable 15%, a marked rise from the existing figure of 8%. This move stems from a conviction that, beyond the borders of the traditional powerhouses, lies a reservoir of untapped potential brimming in the widening countries.

Efforts & Outcomes Commitment to this cause isn't new. Various endeavours, like the “Hop On” scheme, have been initiated to augment participation from these nations. The fruits of these labours are evident. EIC Accelerator's Step 1 applications from widening countries saw an increase from 16% in 2021 to 21% in 2022. Similarly, their participation in Step 2 applications swelled from 11% to 14%. However, a disparity persists. In 2022, widening countries received a mere 8.5% of the total EIC Pathfinder funding and 7.1% of the EIC Accelerator funds. It's noteworthy that seven of these countries have yet to mark their presence in the Accelerator.

The Road Ahead Post careful examination of the existing scenario, the EIC Board has proposed a slew of urgent measures. These encompass the enhancement of EIC-related information dissemination, introduction of dedicated training modules, and measures to rectify potential biases. A significant step in this direction is ensuring that widening countries contribute a minimum of 30% to the evaluators and jury members pool.

To read the full statement of the Board: Click here

Statement of the EIC Board - recommendations for widening countries


Winnovart's Research On Participation Of Widening Countries From Expanding Regions in EIC Initiatives.

Winnovart carried out a thorough study on the CEE region within the scope of EIC Initiatives from expanding regions and uncovered the following significant statistics.

Overview 2014-22

Summary of EICs Impact in CEE Infographic 2014-22

Between 2014-2022, 489 companies were successful in applying for funding from Europe's flagship EIC Accelerator programme (previously called SME instrument under Horizon 2020). €251 million were awarded in the form of grants, equity investments or a combination of the two: blended finance. 

CEE-based firms represent 8.4% of the successful applicants to this programme. 4.9% of the total funding awarded has been won by  CEE-based firms. 

*[Figures accurate as of 12/04/2023].

Distribution of Funding

The top three topics that attracted the most funding were: (1) ICT €30 million, (2) Health €20 million and (3) Engineering and technology €17 million. 

Funding Awarded to CEE Firms by Topic 2014-20


EIC Accelerator 2021-27 (Horizon Europe)

Overview 2021-22

The top three topics that attracted the most funding were: (1) Transport and mobility €17 million, (2) Health €12 million and (3)  ICT €11 million. 

Funding Awarded to CEE Firms by Topic 2021-22

     Read more: EIC Fund-Performance in CEE,





  1. EIC FUND News page:

At Winnovart, it is part of our mission to bridge the gap between stakeholders of the grants-funding market space across Europe. We believe in the potential of grants to create ecosystems that drive innovation, and growth and reduce disparities between the regions of Europe.  Our aim is to support innovative SMEs, private investors and funding agencies to become part of this ecosystem and make the most of it.

Our presence in Western, Eastern and Northern Europe enables us to create international business cases for our clients, in the context of attractive funding programmes as well as beyond it, by opening up international development opportunities.

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